New Child Support Guidelines GA 2024

New Child Support Guidelines GA 2024

Georgia Child Support Guidelines 2024

This article discusses the recently enacted 2024 revisions to Georgia’s laws related to child support, visitation and custody matters in a divorce or modification. Read this article to learn how this may affect your situation and finances.

Child support guidelines and more will change in June of 2024. The introduction to the Act opens with these words: "To amend Chapter 6 of Title 19 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to alimony and child support, so as to: provide for guidelines for child support award calculations; to provide definitions; to provide for related matters; to provide for effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. 1

2024 Child Support Guidelines

In March of 2024, the Georgia legislature passed SB-454, which updates existing guidelines regarding child support calculations, definitions, and related matters. The new child support guidelines will have a significant impact on new divorces and future child support modification actions.

In addition to updating child support guidelines, the new legislation also covers modernization of guidelines for visitation (parenting time) and custody.

What is SB 454?

SB 454 is recently passed legislation in Georgia that revamps a number of laws regarding child custody, visitation, support and more. Per the Legiscan website, "A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 6 of Title 19 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to alimony and child support, so as to provide for guidelines for child support award calculations; to provide definitions; to provide for related matters; to provide for effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes." 2

How is Child Support Calculated?

Child support guidelines in Georgia are based on a formula that considers the combined incomes of both parents. In short, using a child support table the combined monthly income identifies the presumptive amount of child support. The presumptive amount is multiplied by the percentage of income brought in by the person paying child support. This factored number is usually the amount of child support to be paid each month.

For example, if a divorcing couple has a combined monthly income of $10,000, and two minor children. Per the table the full amount is $1,1749. If the person who will pay child support makes 60% of the total household income, the actual support payment will be 60% of the full amount. In short, $1,749 (presumptive amount) x .60 (60% responsibility) = $1,049 (assumed monthly child support payment).

How much is child support in your case? Go to the Judicial Council of Georgia website to put your numbers into their Child Support Calculator. (This calculator will be updated July 1, 2024 to reflect updates provided in SB454)

Overview of Changes

In July of 2024, SB454 will go into effect. It will reconfigure how to assess levels of income, cost-of-living expenses, and how custody time impacts parenting costs. A key part of the legislation is increasing, for all income levels, the basic child support presumptive amounts.

Future changes go into effect in July of 2026. At that point in time, child support laws will have a mandatory parenting time adjustment. Prior to this goinginto effect, a non-custodial parent must petition the court to request consideration for a low-income deviation. Additionally, in 2026 the legislation implements a graduated mandatory low income adjustment.

Another key change is that the court-ordered amount of parenting time for each parent shall be factored into the child support worksheet. This will be adjust the child support base amount.

Are These Changes Worth Filing for Modification?

Will the new laws help your situation? You should investigate what these changes could mean for you. Taking time to file for a modification could improve your child support, visitation or custody. Consult with a divorce lawyer to find out if a modification can help your situation.


Limitations on filing for a modification: A request for a support modification may be made only once every two years. For example, if your divorce was finalized June of 2022, you must wait until at least July of 2024 to file a modification.

Whether you’re entering into a divorce, or soon to be involved in a child support modification, you need a divorce lawyer that understands how to make these new guidelines work for you. Call us at 678-880-9360.


  • 1 Brian Strickland and Emanuel Jones, "S. B. 454", January 2024, Available from Track Bill
  • 2 Staff Writer, "Georgia Senate Bill 454", March 28, 2024, Available from Legiscan
  • Photo by Gerd Altmann, available at Pixabay
James Hobson
James Hobson is a marketing professional and author with 40 years of experience in sales, marketing, traditional marketing, public relations, and digital advertising. James is a published author and frequent contributor to law firm, and various industry business blogs