Do I Need an Adoption Attorney?

Reasons You Need to Hire an Adoption Lawyer
You’re about to make one of the most important decisions of your life. You want to adopt a child. You know in your heart that you will raise and love this child as your own. You are financially, mentally and physically ready to take on this challenge. Becoming a parent is all you think about. This experience can be an exciting, exhilarating event that you will cherish forever. Unfortunately, adopting a baby can also be your worst nightmare if you do not take the time to hire one of the best adoption lawyers in Georgia.
As a first-time adoptive parent, you might not be aware of the extent of legal problems that can arise throughout the process of adopting a child. From negligence in providing required disclosures to adoption fraud, there are very serious risks that can ensnare you into a legal nightmare.
Can’t you just rely on the adoption agency to get things right? No, you can’t assume that an adoption agency won’t make mistakes. Every year scores of innocent prospective adoptive parents find themselves facing felony charges for adoption fraud. The website has written an exceptional article that discusses the matter of wrongful adoption.1
While the innocent people almost always have charges dismissed, they cannot recoup criminal defense lawyer expenses, money lost to the perpetrators, and other expenses. Wouldn’t it be smarter to hire a lawyer up-front and make certain things are done properly?
Aside from fraud, what are other common adoption problems?
For an adoption to be legal the birth mother and father must sign a consent to an adoption. If they both do not sign this, one or both of them could try to take the child away from you at a later date. This can obviously cause you inconsolable heartbreak.
Other issues include birth family mental and physical health history and obvious indications that one or both of the birth parents will change their minds after the birth of the child. Some hospital staff member might try to change the mind of the birth mother. Well-meaning family members might also try to do the same. Before the birth of the child, you might agree to pay all or part of the birth mother’s living and hospital expenses. The birth mother might try to take advantage of your generosity. The list of potential problems goes on and on.
Don’t become discouraged, just re-evaluate how you go about pursuing adoption. The adoption process is a somewhat delicate endeavor. If done correctly the path toward parenthood is reasonably smooth and drama-free.
Want some good news? While the adoption process has potential issues, the adoption process in Georgia is easier than ever before. In 2018, Republican Governor Nathan Deal signed into law a bill to make it easier for families to adopt children in Georgia.2
The Right Adoption Lawyer Prevents Legal Problems
Having an adoption lawyer ready to handle any legal challenge that may arise can protect you and expedite the joy of receiving the child into your heart and home.
The adoption process is a delicate endeavor that, if done correctly, will make each step toward parenthood as smooth and as painless as possible. However, in order for things to proceed effortlessly, you cannot just hire any lawyer. You need to hire an adoption law firm well-versed in every nuance of Georgia adoption law. Hiring a top adoption lawyer will protect you from all-too-common delays, process problems, and unnecessary costs.
The Right Adoption Lawyer Properly Evaluates Your Adoption Agency
What do you really know about your chosen adoption agency? While they may have dazzled you with testimonials, client references, and marketing material did they have a serious conversation about problems that may arise? Did they talk to you about delays, costs, and options for handling problems? While most adoptions move forward relatively problem-free, some adoptions become very complicated, frustrating and costly. In fact, adoption problems requiring an attorney are common enough that it has been addressed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.3
Contact our law firm today to meet with a top adoption lawyer to discuss your situation. Our compassionate, experienced adoption lawyers can guide you through the process of becoming an adoptive parent.
- 1 Jose Rivera, “What Is Wrongful Adoption?”, April 16, 2018, Available from
- 2 Mark Niesse, “Deal signs Georgia adoption overhaul”, March 5, 2018, Available from AJC Atlanta Journal Constitution
- 3 Child Welfare Information Gateway, “How to Assess the Reputation of Licensed, Private Adoption Agencies”, 2004, Available from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services